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International Product Safety Week 2016

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers hosted the 2016 edition of the International Product Safety Week (IPSW) from 14 to 18 November in Brussels.

Related topics

Consumer policy

date:  14/11/2016 - 18/11/2016

Safety of products sold to consumers, both through traditional trade channels as well as on-line, is fundamental for consumers. The Commission works closely with a broad range of stakeholders, including main trading partners, towards product safety online and offline, no matter where the products are manufactured.

During the IPSW 2016 the European Commission called again for participation from product safety professionals from around the world to debate and foster international cooperation on policy development and on enforcement in the area of (non-food) consumer product safety. The IPSW 2016 once more provided an opportunity to participate in a series of conferences and meetings and to network with international regulators, industry, consumer organisations, standard-makers, test laboratories, academics and other product safety experts.

Photos from the event - © EU

EU Commissioner Věra Jourová and US Consumer Product Safety Commission Chairman Elliot F. Kaye - bilateral  meeting on 14 November 2016 EU Commissioner Věra Jourová - keynote address at the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organisation (ICPHSO) Symposium, 
14 November 2016
US CPSC Chairman Elliot F. Kaye - keynote address at the ICPHSO Symposium,  14 November 2016 Christel Schaldemose, Member of the European Parliament - keynote address at the ICPHSO Symposium, 
15 November 2016
ICPHSO Symposium  - Rod Freeman, ICPHSO board member and  Marc Schoem, ICPHSO Executive Director, 15 November 2016

ICPHSO Symposium panel "Improving Consumer Product Safety: Current Risks and Lessons Learned", 
15 November 2016

ICPHSO Symposium panel "Update from product safety regulators from around the world", 
15 November 2016
Thomas Zerdick, Acting Head of the  Product Safety and Rapid Alert System Unit, DG Justice and Consumers,  European Commission  - Conference on the safety of products sold online,
16 November 2016

Conference on the safety of products sold online,
16 November 2016


Despina Spanou, Director for Consumers, DG Justice and Consumers at the European Commission - "Product safety enforcement, lessons learned and ways forward" conference,
16 November 2016


More photos available in zip files in the below table.

Privacy statement pdf 

General enquiries:

TWITTER  #IPSW2016  #EU4Consumers  #ProductSafety

Overall schedule of the week pdf 

Charlemagne Building, rue de la Loi 170, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

14-15/11 (two days)

Symposium of the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organisation (ICPHSO)

Please note that this is a fee-paying conference. For further details please consult


Open to all stakeholders

                 ZIP 15/11


Conference on the Safety of Products Sold Online

The conference explored issues relating to the safety of non-food consumer products sold online from the authorities’, businesses’ and consumers’ perspective. It also served to exchange information and best practices.

Agenda pdf 

Open to all stakeholders



Safety and conformity of products sold online: Market surveillance by DGCCRF pdf 

OECD online product safety sweep - results, considerations, observations pdf 

Product safety and products sold online. What is so special about that?  (NVWA) pdf 

Practices to survey the safety of products sold online (EC) pdf 


Industry best practices for  the safety of products sold online (KID) pdf 

Industry best efforts/practices to ensure safety of products sold online (EMOTA) pdf 

Best practices for the safety of products sold online (Alibaba) pdf 



Product Safety Alerts and Recalls: Boost the use!

The event engaged stakeholders in discussing how to achieve an optimal use by both businesses and consumers of the large amount of public information available on product safety alerts and recalls.

Agenda pdf 

Open to all stakeholders


Boosting the use of product safety alerts and recalls (Decathlon) pdf 

Boosting the impact of product safety alerts & recalls (USCPSC) pdf 

A1+1=5 Cooperation in product safety benefits all (Tukes) pdf 


17/11 (am)

Product Safety Enforcement: lessons learned and ways forward (in cooperation with PROSAFE)

This session focused on the results of coordinated market surveillance enforcement efforts.  Consumer organisations, authorities and businesses had the opportunity to discuss about their expectations and exchange views on the goals ahead.

Agenda pdf 

Link to preparatory SURVEY

Open to all stakeholders


Joint actions - Best practice (PROSAFE) pdf 


Improving product safety enforcement - Learning from others in North America (USCPSC)  pdf 


Product Safety Enforcement - Lessons learned and ways forward (EC) pdf 



Consumer Safety Network (CSN) meeting

This was a meeting of the expert group Consumer Safety Network for its regular members and observers only.

Restricted access

18/11 (am)

RAPEX-China Working Group meeting between the EU and China

This meeting was restricted to participants from the European Commission, EU/EEA Member States' regulatory authorities and China AQSIQ.

Restricted access


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