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The European Parliament sends a strong political message to address the specific plight of Children and young people fleeing the war in Ukraine

The European Parliament adopted, on 7 April 2022, with an overwhelming majority a Resolution on the EU Protection of children and young people fleeing the war in Ukraine. The Resolution features important provisions to address the specific plight of children and young people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. It stresses to need for the creation of a robust registration system at the border, to track and monitor children, with a particular attention of unaccompanied children to ensure they do not go missing or worse, end up in the hands of traffickers. It also includes strong measures to for the integration of these children in the hosting countries granting them immediate access to education and health on equal footing with their EU national peers, so as to ensure all these children are given a real change to excel and reach their full potential.

Commission proposes EU-wide rules to combat violence against women and domestic violence

On 8 March 2022, the European Commission released its proposal on EU-wide rules to combat violence against women and domestic violence. The proposed Directive, once adopted, will criminalise rape based on lack of consent, female genital mutilation and cyber violence, which includes: non-consensual sharing of intimate images; cyber stalking; cyber harassment; and cyber incitement to violence or hatred. The new rules will also strengthen victims' access to justice and encourage Member States to implement a one-stop shop mechanism, meaning that all support and protection services would be located in the same place. The proposal also calls for adequate and specialised protection and support, for instance, through free of charge helplines and rape crisis centres. It also provides for targeted support for groups with specific needs or at risk, including women fleeing armed conflict. Contributing to the EU Strategy on Children’s rights, this proposal notably aims at providing for specific safeguards for children victims of violence against women or of domestic violence. They will guarantee, for example, that children can easily report offences and are provided with safe places for with parent offenders, who have rights of access.

Children and Young People's Online Questionnaire to inform the UN General Comment No. 26 on Children’s Rights and the Environment, with a special focus on Climate Change (deadline: 30 June)

Until 30 June 2022, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child invites young people from around the world to complete a questionnaire that will help shape the General Comment No. 26 (on Children’s Rights and the Environment with a Special Focus on Climate Change). This is the official UN guidance on what governments must do to uphold children’s rights and protect our planet. This consultation will help fill gaps in their current understanding of certain key issues and clarify difficult concepts (e.g. rights of future generations). Most importantly, it will integrate the voices of children and young people, as the most impacted by the issue.

Joint statement by Didier REYNDERS, European Commissioner for Justice, and Eric DUPOND-MORETTI, Keeper of the Seals and Minister for Justice, concerning 116 006, the single European victim support line

On the European Day for Victims of Crime, 22 February, Eric Dupond-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals, Minister for Justice and President of the Council of EU Justice Ministers, and Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice, call on all Member States to implement and promote 116 006, the European number for the care and referral of all victims.

Call for proposals on Town-Twinning and Networks of Towns

Would you like to develop a town-twinning project or a network of towns in an EU context? The Commission makes 11 million Euro available for transnational projects promoting exchanges between citizens from municipalities of different countries. These projects will give citizens the chance to broaden their perspective and to develop a sense of European belonging and identity. At the same time these projects will encourage the active cooperation and exchange between municipalities.

Call for proposals on European remembrance

With 8 million euro the European Commission will support projects that commemorate defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among Europeans of their shared history, culture, heritage and values.