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CERV programme - Call for proposals on Citizens engagement and participation

Call for proposals on Citizens engagement and participation.

Deadline:  10/02/2022

See alsoLink to the call

Are looking for financial support for your project on citizens’ participation? The Commission has made 17 million euro available for projects of transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens. These projects will gather people from different backgrounds in activities directly linked to EU policies, giving them an opportunity to take part actively in EU policymaking.

Five priority themes for this year’s call:

  1. the 2024 European Parliament elections and EU citizens’ rights;
  2. exploring how the COVID-19 crisis has affected the democratic debate and the enjoyment of fundamental rights;
  3. innovative democratic approaches and toolsto help citizens make their voices heard;
  4. countering disinformation and other forms of interference in the democratic debate and promoting media literacy;
  5. engaging citizens and communities in discussions and action related to climate change and environment.

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