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Consumer protection: Commission launches a public consultation on the Fitness Check of EU consumer law on digital fairness

Today, the European Commission opened a public consultation for the Fitness Check of EU consumer law on digital fairness.

date:  28/11/2022

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Today, the European Commission opened a public consultation for the Fitness Check of EU consumer law on digital fairnessto seek views on issues related to consumer protection in the digital environment. The Fitness Check is examining the adequacy of the existing main EU rules in dealing with consumer protection issues such us dark patterns, influencer marketing, subscription contract cancellations, unfair contract terms, the marketing of virtual items and in-app currencies, amongst others. It aims to establish whether additional legislation or other action is needed in the medium-term to ensure equal fairness online and offline. The Commission is seeking feedback from all interested parties, particularly from consumers, online companies and authorities and organisations interested in consumer protection issues. The consultation will be open until 20 February 2023. More information on the regulatory fitness exercise on EU consumer protection laws can be found here.

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