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Fundamental rights

2017: A Year of focused Actions to combat violence against women

Violence against Women and Girls is one of the most widespread and devastating human rights violations across the globe. It is estimated that one in three women have experienced violence at some point in their lives. That is why, last year, on the International Day to Combat Violence against Women, Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality launched the initiative to dedicate 2017 to combating violence against women.

11th European Forum on the rights of the child: Children deprived of their liberty and alternatives to detention

The European Forum on the rights of the child is an annual conference organised by the European Commission. It gathers key actors from EU Member States (as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the Western Balkans), international organisations, NGOs, Ombudspersons for children, practitioners, academics and EU institutions to promote good practice on the rights of the child.