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2017: A Year of focused Actions to combat violence against women

Violence against Women and Girls is one of the most widespread and devastating human rights violations across the globe. It is estimated that one in three women have experienced violence at some point in their lives. That is why, last year, on the International Day to Combat Violence against Women, Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality launched the initiative to dedicate 2017 to combating violence against women.

date:  24/11/2017

The European Commission regularly co-funds pan-European, national and local projects to prevent
violence against women and support victims. Under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship and
Justice Programmes, it supports organisations that tackle the problem in a multitude of ways. For the Year of Focused Action, €15 million was made available to 12 national authorities and
32 grass roots projects.

The aim of the joint actions was to raise awareness, provide information and educate about violence against women, targeting the general public as well as professionals who can help change this situation: police officers, teachers, doctors, judges amongst others.

To mark one year on from the launch of the campaign, today the European Commission has published a factsheet explaining the key achievements during this year dedicated to preventing violence against women.

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