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10th European Forum on the rights of the child: the protection of children in migration

The European Forum on the rights of the child is an annual conference organised by the European Commission. It gathers key actors from EU Member States, Ombudspersons for children, international organisations, NGOs, practitioners, academics and EU institutions to discuss and promote good practice on the rights of the child.

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Fundamental rights

date:  29/11/2016 - 30/11/2016

venue:  Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Rue Froissart 36, B-1040 Brussels

See the Forum report

The 10th European Forum on the rights of the child took place on 29 and 30 November 2016, with a side event on 28 November. Over three days, 304 participants from all EU Member States as well as Iceland and Norway discussed about the protection of children in migration, looking at the existing tools and mechanisms, gaps and possible solutions. 

The organisers would like to thank all participants for the lively discussions and contributions to the Forum.

Please see updated versions of the Forum documents : 

Please see pictures and videos:



Videos of the plenary and parallel sessions and the side event

Side event on guardianship for unaccompanied children, Day 1

Side event on guardianship for unaccompanied children, Day 2

Forum Day 1

Forum Day 2, plenary sessions III and IV and parallel session 1

Forum Day 2 - Parallel session 2

Forum Day 2 - Parallel session 3

Forum Day 2 - Parallel session 4


The 10th European Forum on the rights of the child will address the protection of children in migration. The Forum will focus on the exchange of good practice in specific areas and contribute to work on supporting integrated protection systems, taking into account the protection needs of all children in migration.

The 10th European Forum on the rights of the child will build on previous Fora, in particular the 10 principles for integrated child protection systems.

On 29 November 2016, the Forum will be dedicated to high-level speeches on opportunities and challenges in protecting children in migration.

On 30 November, in four parallel sessions, we will discuss:

  • Identification and protection
  • Reception
  • Access to asylum procedures and procedural safeguards
  • Durable solutions including integration 


Draft Forum background paper on EU funding to protect children in migration

General background document

Background document -  parallel sessions

Factsheet- Protecting children in migration 


29.11.2016 - the plenary session:

30.11.2016 - the opening and closing plenary sessions and session 1 (Identification and protection):

30.11.2016 - session 2 (Reception):

30.11.2016 - session 3 (Access to asylum procedures and procedural safeguards):

30.11.2016 - session 4 (Durable solutions including integration):


Side event

A side event will be organised on the subject of guardianship for unaccompanied and separated children, on 28 and 29 November, to focus on the guardian's role in safeguarding the best interests and wellbeing of the child. The side event will bring together national guardianship institutions, practising guardians as well as other actors whose work relates also to guardianship.




28.11.2016 - the side event on guardianship of unaccompanied children:

29.11.2016 - the side event on guardianship of unaccompanied children:

Participation and registration

Registration for the Forum and the side event is closed.

With regard to participation in the Forum, the Commission is aiming for a balanced and wide range of stakeholders, representing all Member States and representing different perspectives in integrated child protection systems and the rights of the child, as well as asylum and migration. As venue capacity is strictly limited, the Commission will only be able to accept requests for participation at the Forum using these criteria and taking account of the number of places available.

Participation is strictly by invitation only. In principle, participation is limited to one representative per organisation. The first person to register on behalf of an organisation will, in principle, be considered as the one who will attend the Forum.

If your application is accepted, you will be contacted by a contractor acting on behalf of the European Commission to confirm your registration and to arrange travel and accommodation, if required. Travel and accommodation expenses are to be covered by the European Commission. Do not organise your own travel and accommodation, as it will not be possible to reimburse any costs for any tickets or accommodation booked and paid for by participants.

Practical information


  • 28-29 November - the side event: Borschette Conference Centre,  Rue Froissart/Froissartstraat 36, B-1040 Brussels.
  • 29-30 November - the Forum: Borschette Conference Centre,  Rue Froissart/Froissartstraat 36, B-1040 Brussels.


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