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11th Meeting of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion "Transition from education to employment"

The European Platform for Roma inclusion is an important forum for concerted actions of all relevant stakeholders for the economic and social inclusion of Roma people in Europe. The Platform contributes to making both European and national policies more sensitive to Roma needs.

date:  27/11/2017 - 28/11/2017

ContactMelanie Voin - Press Officer for J...

The 2017 European Platform for Roma inclusion will continue promoting the participatory interaction among all relevant stakeholders , including representatives of European and national Roma and pro-Roma civil society organisations, national and local authorities of the EU Member States and enlargement countries, , European institutions, international organisations and academia on the topic of transition from education to employment for Roma. This year's Platform will last one and half days and will include political debates with the presence of Commissioner Jourová, politicians from various Member States, Members of the European Parliament, and various high level representatives of the European and other institutions.

The thematic focus was decided in close cooperation with the European level umbrella Roma and pro-Roma civil society organisations. The 2017 European Platform for Roma inclusion will be dedicated to discussions on the challenges related to the transition of Roma children and youth from education to employment. This topic is of utmost relevance since Roma still remain the most underrepresented group on the labour market, with high numbers of people falling in unemployment. Many of Roma youngsters (15-24) are neither following post-compulsory education nor employment or training. The combination of various factors, such as poverty and deprivation, low level of education and skills and discrimination in both education and employment constitute serious structural barriers for Roma fulfilling their potential in the labour market.

Given the complexity of the topic, discussions at the next Platform will take place in two thematic workshops:

  1. In the first workshop, the focus will be given to issues related primarily to the education perspective.
  2. The second workshop will be focused on the employment perspective.

Agenda of the event available here:

Report from the meeting in Brussels, 27-28 November 2017 pdf


Practical information

Participation is strictly by invitation. Because of the limited capacity of the venue and the need to ensure a balanced representation across all EU Member States, as well as the countries of the Western Balkans – and to ensure the participation of stakeholders with hands-on expertise, the Commission enables participation to this event based on the Member States and European umbrella organisations nominations.

Venue:                   Rue Belliard 99-101, Brussels, Belgium (building of the European Economic and Social Committee).

Follow us on Twitter: #RomaEU

Interested journalists should contact:      Melanie Voin

                                 Press Officer for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
                                 Office: BERL 04/292
                                 Tel: +32 (0)2 29 58659
                                 Mobile: +32 (0)460 758 659 

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