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10th Meeting of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion : "Mutual accountability of all"

The European Platform for Roma Inclusion aims to contribute to making European and national policies more sensitive to Roma needs. The 2016 European Platform for Roma inclusion will provide the possibility for participatory interaction among all types of stakeholders of Roma integration (including national and local authorities of the EU Member States and enlargement countries, international organisations, European institutions, representatives of European and national Roma and pro-Roma civil society, media and academia) on topics that are particularly relevant at the midterm of the EU Framework of National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020. The central thematic focus of the 10th European Platform for Roma Inclusion will be on mutual accountability of all stakeholders.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  29/11/2016 - 30/11/2016

venue:  Hotel Bloom - Rue Royale 250, 1210 Brussels

ContactMelanie Voin - Press Officer for J...

In addressing Roma integration, all stakeholders play different roles depending on their mandates, competences and capacities. In the previous years we have witnessed significant steps being taken in developing policy, legal and funding instruments and coordination structures with the aim to improve the situation of Roma in Europe. However, there is still a long way to go to ensure real change in the life of Roma communities on the ground. The Platform will aim for a policy reflection on mutual accountability with regard to the effectiveness of policies and funding used at EU, national and local levels.

Active participation and representation of Roma in the inclusion process, empowerment of Roma women and youth, protection of Roma children was identified as key objectives to be achieved by public policy actors at all levels within the limits of their competences. The policies for Roma inclusion, including the fight against anti-gypsyism, should also target the mainstream population and serve to preserve Roma identity and culture. The Platform will generate a policy reflection on mutual accountability with regard to Roma empowerment and participation.

After high level political panels and discussion the Platform will provide the possibility for in-depth participatory discussions among all stakeholders of Roma integration. Through the sharing of views, participants should also reflect on their own role in the process.

29 November


Results of the second FRA EU minorities and discrimination survey focused on Roma

Panel 1 and plenary discussion on mutual accountability of all stakeholders with regard to the effectiveness of policies, including funding

Panel 2 and plenary discussion on mutual accountability of all stakeholders with regard to effective partnership and Roma participation

TernYpe International Roma Youth Network side event on remembrance, education and recognition of the Roma Genocide

30 November

Participatory workshop discussions

Plenary and conclusions

The programme of the event
Follow-up information
Practical information

Venue:                     Bloom Hotel, Brussels

                                Rue Royale 250, 1210 Brussels

Registration:              Participation exclusively based on invitation

Webstreaming: This event will be streamed live. (If you cannot view the streaming below, open it in a new window)


Follow us on Twitter: #RomaEU

Interested journalists
should contact
:         Melanie Voin

                                 Press Officer for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
                                 Office: BERL 04/292
                                 Tel: +32 (0)2 29 58659
                                 Mobile: +32 (0)460 758 659 

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