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Swafs achievements and recommendations report published

Inclusiveness underpins the funding programme of Science with and for Society (Swafs) in Horizon 2020. The objective of this report is to convey the achievements of SwafS to serve as input for DG Research and Innovation to integrate science, society and citizens in Horizon Europe, both across the future framework programme and in the first Work programmes falling under the 'Strengthening the European Research Area' part.

date:  20/07/2020

Inclusiveness underpins the funding programme of Science with and for Society (Swafs) in Horizon 2020. The objective of this report is to convey the achievements of SwafS to serve as input for DG Research and Innovation to integrate science, society and citizens in Horizon Europe, both across the future framework programme and in the first Work programmes falling under the 'Strengthening the European Research Area' part.

We need science education for all, gender equality in our organisations, ethics and integrity embedded in research, communication we can trust and ultimately place citizens at the core to ensure excellent Research and Innovation to tackle the challenges of today for a better future. Europe can only thrive by matching the immense potential of science with the values (including adherence to the highest ethics standards), needs and aspirations of society.

The report gives an overview of SwafS achievements in Horizon 2020 about Science Education; Science Careers; Research Ethics and Research Integrity; Responsible Research and Innovation; Gender Equality; Institutional changes towards responsible research and innovation; Citizen Science and Citizen engagement; and Open Access. It draws policy objectives and outlines recommendations for better cooperation between science and society, the recruitment of new talent for science, and how to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility.