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FET seminar "Artificial photosynthesis: From basic principles to technological impact"

The next FET seminar “Artificial photosynthesis: From basic principles to technological impact”, organised by DG CONNECT, DG RTD and DG ENER, will focus on presenting how the artificial photosynthesis works.

date:  15/03/2018

venue:  Brussels, Belgium

The main speaker will be Dr. José Ramón Galán-Mascarós from the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) and coordinator of the FET Proactive project A-Leaf (

The seminar will take place on Thursday 15 March 2018 from 14:30 to 17:00 at the Research Executive Agency (Covent Garden building, room COV2 15/SDR1, Place Rogier 16, 1000 Brussels).

The seminar is intended for all interested colleagues and internal or external experts.

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