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Volunteers needed to test innovative system for better health and less frailty

The My-AHA (My Active and Healthy Ageing) project aims to reduce frailty risk by improving physical activity, cognitive functions, psychological state, social resources, nutrition, sleep as well as overall well-being. The project is recruiting volunteers over 60 years old for its test phase.

date:  23/10/2017

Project coordinator:  Johanniter Austria Education and Research

To help people maintain or improve their current state of health, the My-AHA project is working on a solution that offers support using current scientific standards.

The project is looking for senior volunteers to test the system and to take part in 5 test and questionnaire rounds lasting around 2 ½ hours each round. Participants will get:

  • a specially developed brain training programme;
  • free participation in programmes and events promoting physical activity offered as a part of the My-AHA project (field trips, hiking trips etc.);
  • a digital platform allowing participants to interact with and get to know other participants;
  • a nutrition programme;
  • games aimed toward improving reaction time;
  • a home exercise programme for improving balance;
  • group trainings aimed towards improving level of fitness and stability.

Trials will start in January 2018 and will last for 18 months. Those who would be interested to join will need an android smartphone with a gyroscope to access the technologies and interventions. Additionally, further technology options will be introduced at a later point.

Smartphone will be provided

If you are interested in volunteering but you don’t own a smartphone with the required specifications, a suitable smartphone will be provided for the duration of the project. Participants who remain active during the whole test phase will have the opportunity of keeping the smartphone, including the applications after the test phase has been completed.

All information will be collected in a way that it can be seen and used by the participants of the study, and may even help with your next appointment with your general practitioner.

My-AHA partner Johanniter Austria Education and Research Team will lead the trials in Austria, Germany, Belgium and Sweden, and are available for further information.

Should you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact:

Mag. Georg Aumayr, Head of Research and Development,  T: +43 1 4707030-2222,