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Call for research projects to host an artistic residency to boost innovation

Are you a R&D ICT project coordinator or partner? Apply now and have the chance of hosting an Artistic Residency that will boost your open innovation and the dissemination of your technology!

date:  21/03/2017

Artistic practices are more and more broadly recognised as potential vectors of technological innovation. One of the main objectives of the STARTS initiative (Innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the ARTS) of the European Commission is to encourage synergies between the arts and innovation for technology and society by promoting the inclusion of artists in Horizon 2020 projects.

In this context, the VERTIGO project promotes the arts as catalysts for an efficient conversion of science and technology knowledge into products, services and processes. To achieve this, VERTIGO is organising and funding artists residencies in R&D projects in the field of ICT.

Artists will work with ICT projects and contribute to the innovative aspects of the research understaken within it by bringing an artistic perspective through artistic practices. Those practices should lead to an original artwork based on the project technology featuring novel use-cases with a high potential for innovation. VERTIGO will showcase produced works to the public and actors of innovation. This will enhance the public dissemination of the project activities and technology.

The artist in residence will also provide a radically different point of view on the projects' technology by rethinking design, exploring technological limits through art installations and testing unusual technical solutions.

More information and application.

Committed to support synergies between art and technology, the European Commission is also supporting the FEAT project through the Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) programme. FEAT brings together artists and FET projects using best practice methods to create high-impact collaborative outcomes including the production of new artworks, major exhibitions, media campaigns, and socially engaged events including festivals, debates and participatory workshops.