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Mind the gap: coordinating urban development in Europe

JPI Urban Europe will bring together urban development research and social innovation projects under a single transnational call for projects, ENSUF, in a bid to foster growth, job creation, innovation and sustainability across European cities. Nearly 50 proposals have been received.

date:  22/12/2016

Project:  ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures

acronym:  ENSUF

See alsoProject details

Over 70 % of European citizens live in urban areas, which vary greatly in character between countries and cities, and even within a city. Besides being centres for economic development and public services, European cities and urban areas can also be areas of social polarisation, poverty concentration and unemployment. Although addressing these concerns is a priority for EU funding, in the past there has been a gap between research outcomes and result implementation in urban development on the ground, leading to the disappointing delivery of initially promising results.

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