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H2020 FET projects about data analysis and FET promotion

Those FET projects deal with new methods for data analysis, analysis of FET portfolio and emerging trends, and activities for FET communities at large.


date:  29/01/2016

DEDALE seeks to address a recent emergence of novel data analysis methods by proposing a new modelling framework, allowing for a better preservation of the intrinsic physical properties of real data that generally live on intricate spaces.

FET2RIN aims at facilitating collaborations between FET researchers, entrepreneurs, for the commercial take up of FET projects. The project's goal is to deliver capacity building actions to FET project partners also with the help of crowdfunding to bridge the gap between the development of an innovative product and its use by early adopters.

FET-Event objective is to efficiently support the organisation of the next edition of the FET event, addressing in particular pre-conference communication, local organisation, participant assistance, and post-conference follow-up.

FET_Traces will measure and assess the direct and indirect impacts of the FET programme on the science and technology landscape and its perception by individual researchers who are potential proposers for FET Open and FET Proactive projects.  The study will also include insights from FET-like funders on national levels in Europe.

OBSERVE's objective is to identify new opportunities and directions for interdisciplinary research towards new and visionary technology of any kind, thus supporting Europe to grasp leadership early on in new and emerging technology areas that promise to renew the basis for European competitiveness and growth.

SC-square will unite the communities of satisfiability checking and symbolic computation to solve real problems such as the security and the safety of computer systems or large mathematical problems by the development of radically improved software tools.

SENSE will create a roadmap for the ideal low light level sensor development to help coordinate the research efforts of different groups working in the area world-wide.

TAIPI is an H2020 Coordination and Support Action for the FET Flagship Initiative, supporting the two selected Flagships, Graphene and Human Brain Project. TAIPI will undertake impact assessment activities and collect information needed for policy making.