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Designing the path: a strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation

Challenges faced by agriculture and rural areas and the long-term character of research activities call for a strategic approach to research and innovation. European Commission organised a large conference to discuss how such a strategic approach could be implemented. The conference closed a half-year process kicked-off in Milan in June 2015. See the presentations and videos. #EU_AgriResearch

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date:  26/01/2016 - 28/01/2016

venue:  Brussels, Belgium

Organiser:  European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural development

See alsoKick-off workshop in EXPO Milan - June 2...

ContactOrganising team


The objectives of the conference were to:

  • present the main elements of a long-term strategy for EU agricultural research and innovation;
  • discuss its content, in particular several dimensions of the manner it could be implemented.


The conference assembled over 500 participants including scientists, relevant science networks, stakeholders, International organisations and authorities.


The conference was structured in two parts:

  • pre-events (26 January and 27 January morning): four half-day pre-events and one launching celebration were organised by European Commission partners to discuss particular issues of importance to prepare for the main conference debates.
  • main conference (27 January afternoon and 28 January): the conference consisted of plenary sessions on 27 January and 28 January afternoons and of two rounds of parallel sessions on 28 January in the morning, structured around horizontal questions.

Conference documents

Programme & papers

Presentations, videos and reports are available on the conference outcomes page.