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Robotic support for independent living of the elderly - New project RADIO

RADIO is a Horizon 2020 action to develop an Ambient Assisted Living solution that integrates robotic and home automation technologies. The RADIO Home is designed to support independent living of elderly population. Three academic partners, three SMEs and three clinical partners, led by the National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” (Greece), cooperate to develop the RADIO ecosystem and to pilot the system in two clinical sites (Italy, Spain) and several home environments (Greece).

date:  20/11/2015

ProjectRobots in assisted living environments: ...


Project coordinator:  NCSR “Demokritos”

See alsoCORDIS

ContactStasinos Konstantopoulos

RADIO’s main objective is to provide a solution for detecting early symptoms of cognitive impairment, frailty and social exclusion so as to help the elderly to remain active and independent for longer. Towards this objective, RADIO Home will observe end-users’ daily life in order to provide information about their Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and mood conditions. Albeit necessary, such close observation can easily become obtrusive. RADIO pursues a novel approach to acceptance and unobtrusiveness where the system provides automations and sensors related to the user’s comfort as well as to its medical purpose. In this approach, all sensing must necessarily satisfy a comfort related functionality so that user attention is directed to the functionality of the sensors rather than their medical purpose. The core premise that RADIO validates is that the medical observation sensors can now become an obvious and accepted part of the user’s daily life.The challenges entailed in implementing this ambitious idea range from technical and methodological, to usability issues, to investigating the ethical issues around data collection, management, and processing. Specifically, the consortium’s efforts will be directed to successfully blending home automation usability, reliable medical data collection, and ethical and privacy considerations.

RADIO will pave the way for wider deployment of technology solutions for active and healthy ageing, for integration of robots and smart home sensors in the Internet of Things and for larger penetration of technology-based solutions. In a wide-area ecosystem of RADIO deployments, different societal needs and health problems will be addressed by different configurations of the key enabling technologies.

The RADIO consortium consists of three academic partner: project coordinator NCSR “Demokritos” (GR), Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece (GR), and Ruhr Univeristaet Bochum (DE); three SMEs providing both technical expertise and industrial exploitation paths: Robotnik Automation SLL (ES), Sensing & Control Systems S.L. (ES), AVN Innovative Technology Solutions LtD (CY); and finally, three clinical partners: Fondazione Santa Lucia (IT), Fundació Hospital Asil de Granollers (ES), and Frontida Zois (GR).