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Understanding the potential of Africa's digital revolution

In just a couple of years, Africa has gone from possessing a total bandwidth availability comparable to that of Norway to having almost one hundred million internet users and seven hundred million mobile users.

date:  09/11/2015

Project:  Internet Geographies: Changing Connectiv...

acronym:  GEONET

See alsoCORDIS

Could this growth in access to information and communication technologies (ICT) represent an opportunity for economic development? Many have described this moment of transition as "Africa's century", ERC grantee and Oxford scholar Prof Mark Graham, a leading authority on the topic of technology and development, aims to understand this "digital revolution".

On the 9th November Prof. Graham talked as part of the Kapuscinski Lecture Series. The Kapuscinski Lectures focus on the topic of development and have been held, amongst others, by speakers such as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Angel Gurría. Watch it here 

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