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Assessing the alignment of investment portfolios with climate goals: join the road show!

Institutional investors have a new benchmarking tool to assess to which extent their portfolio is in line with the investments required to limit global warming to 2°C, based on its exposure to different energy technologies. The tool is developed by the Sustainable Energy Investment Metrics (SEI Metrics) project. The draft version of the benchmarking framework is currently limited to power and road transport, with non-road transport coming next.

date:  22/10/2015

Project:  Developing Sustainable Energy Investment...

acronym:  SEI Metrics

See alsoCORDIS

During the project’s roadshow, starting Friday 23 October 2015, interested investors and index providers can get a confidential equity portfolio assessment of 2°C alignment, free of charge. This will allow them to set portfolio decarbonisation targets.

In the run-up to COP 21 in Paris, a growing number of institutional investors are committing to decarbonise their portfolio, for instance in the frame of the Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition which so far represents $62 billion assets under management (€55 billion). The SEI Metrics framework will enable these commitments to be based on sound and comparable data.

The framework is described in a working paper "Assessing the alignment of portfolios with climate goals: IEA climate scenarios translated into a 2°C benchmark". It was already used to assess on 3 major stock indices (STOXX 600, S&P 500, and MSCI World).

The project’s consortium includes the Carbon disclosure project (CDP), CIRED, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Germany, the University of Zurich, Kepler-Cheuvreux, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, and the Climate Bonds Initiative.

SEI Metrics is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, ADEME, and the French Ministry of Environment.

More information on the SEI Metrics

Roadshow details: 

  • Webinar October 23 16:00 CET & Oct 26 16:00 CET;
  • Bern, October 30 (hosted by the Swiss Environment Ministry);
  • Helsinki, November 4 (hosted by Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative);
  • New York City, November 10 (hosted by Rockefeller & Co)
  • Stockholm, November 12 (Presentation at event hosted by Swesif);
  • Zurich, November 19 (Presentation at TBLI conference)
  • Paris, November 30, at the French parliament, with France Strategy and the Oxford Martin School (organised as part of COP21);
  • Paris, December 7, with the Carbon Tracker Initiative and the UNEP Inquiry (a COP21 Event in the "Climate Generations" Pavilion).