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Robots to help elderly affected by Mild Cognitive Impairments

The project ENRICHME “Enabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly“, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, is a pioneering project in that it will be testing technologies for supporting elderly people with Mild Cognitive Impairments in the long-term and in their living environment.

date:  06/10/2015

ProjectEnabling Robot and assisted living envir...


Project coordinator:  Elettronica Bio Medicale S.r.l.

See alsoCORDIS

It addresses the progressive decline of cognitive capacity in the ageing population by proposing an interactive mobile robot in an assisted living environment, integrated within a domestic RFID ecosystem, for continuous human monitoring and interaction.

ENRICHME is the first mobile robot that supports non-invasive physiological monitoring, emphasizing the role of the social environment and the elderly’s active engagement, offering a personalized interaction.

The robot platform in ENRICHME is capable of moving autonomously in the elderly house, periodically but discretely monitoring the activities of the person and some of his/her physiological parameters. To achieve this, the robot is in constant communication with a smart-home system. Together, the smart-home and the mobile robot are able to provide personalized services by adapting to the habits and life style of the elderly person. Typical services include reminders about appointments or important activities, which are communicated by the robot using the most appropriate voice tone and visual signals, thanks to its adaptive human-robot interaction capabilities. It also enables the identification of potentially dangerous situations by detecting anomalies in the person behavior. Furthermore, the system enables caregivers and medical staff to identify evolving trends of cognitive impairments by analyzing the data collected by the ENRICHME system, which include motion and other relevant human activities monitored over long periods.

ENRICHME is the result of an international collaboration among 10 partners across Europe, working jointly together to provide an all-embracing expertise on complementary domains.

The system will be tested in 2 separate AAL labs (Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi in Italy and Stichting Smart Homes in Netherlands) and validated for 1 year in three different elderly housing facilities across Europe (Uniwersytet Medyczny Im Karola Marcinkowskiego W Poznaniu in Poland, Lace Housing Limited in UK and Aktios Ypiresies Ygeias Kai Perithalpsis Ilikiomenon Kai Chronos Paschonton Anonymi Etaireia in Greece) representing different social and organisational contexts in Europe. ENRICHME is the first experience of a so long term validation in robot service.

Significant impact is expected by prolonging the independent and active living of elderly by enriching their day-to-day experiences at home.

Project website