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FET Newsletter edition September 2015

Latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies research: funding opportunities, latest Project news, reporting on workshops & conferences, future events.

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European Commission

date:  26/08/2015

In the September 2015 edition you can read more about: 

  • Activities related to FET, STARTS (science technology and the arts), High Performance Computing, Open Science and Open Data during the ICT 2015 event in Lisbon;
  • The publication of the draft H2020 work programmes;
  • Project stories: the FET WHIM project, the Graphene flagship, and the European Open Science Cloud;
  • Listing interesting future events (September - December 2015) including the EC Workshop on Alternative Open Access Publishing Models and the Global Systems Science (GSS) conference.

We hope you will enjoy reading it.
The FET newsletter editorial team

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