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Image sensors that behave like biological retinas - SEEBETTER

Biological visual organs have unique capabilities for the processing of information not matched by electronic devices.The SEEBETTER Future and Emerging Technologies project works in finding ways to bridge this gap and the development of "silicon retinas".

date:  19/02/2015

Project:  Seeing Better with Hybrid BSI Spatio-Tem...

acronym:  SeeBetter

See alsoCORDIS

In a way, the more image sensors evolve, the more they stay the same. Imagine a security camera: it will generate huge amounts of data, even when there is nothing to film. Our eyes, on the other hand, have the ability to adapt the amount of data generated to perceived changes. If the amount of light stays the same, no data is generated. The SEEBETTER FET Proactive project team is looking to copy this unique feature in a novel silicon retina.

Learn more about SEEBETTER goals and achievements in a recently published interview to its project's Scientific Coordinator, David San Segundo Bello, inside the last issue of Research*EU Magazine.

The SEEBETTER consortium gathers partners from  Belgium, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.