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New in the FET Open CSA call: FET Take-Up Actions

The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Open Call for Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) includes for the first time "FET Take-Up" Actions. What are these Take-Up Actions and how can you contribute?

date:  01/10/2014 - 31/03/2015

Stimulating the take-up of FET research results towards impact and innovation

Great results are coming out of the FET funded research, but their take-up 'out of the lab' (when relevant) is always a challenge. This is not surprising, given the long-term nature of FET research and its largely academic consortia. But there are examples where it has worked, in one way or another. How to make it happen more often?

To address this challenge, the FET Open call for Coordination and Support Activities (CSA) in 2015 calls for 'FET Take-Up' actions. These are described as: "actions for stimulating take-up of FET research results towards impact and innovation, in ways that are complementary to and beyond the capacity of single research projects. Examples include outreach to investors and entrepreneurs, use of unconventional channels (like NGOs or artists), or targeting of new audiences and purposes (e.g. for social innovation, global development or peace)".

The FET Open call for CSA also calls for a second topic, 'FET exchange' aiming at supporting actions that structure and build the community around an emerging FET relevant topic.

The challenge altogether is to make Europe the best place in the world for collaborative research on future and emerging technologies that will renew the basis for future European competitiveness and growth, and that will make a difference for society in the decades to come.

The actions should contribute to one or several of the following expected impact(s):

• European thought-leadership on new and emerging technologies with a strong engagement of scientists, citizens, innovators and policy makers.

• Improved long-term innovation potential in Europe both from the abundance of novel ideas and the range of actors ready to take them forward.

• Improved readiness across Europe to engage in silo-breaking research collaboration and to take up new research and innovation practices.

• Increased take-up of long-term science and technology research results.

The first call deadline is 31 March 2015 (second call deadline 29 September 2015) for both topics 'FET Take-Up' and 'FET Exchange'.

Budget: 1.5 M€ for each call deadline.

Call information and submission