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eEnviPer – environmental permits for the 21st century

eEnviPer is an integrated web-based platform for the application, administration and consultation of environmental permits. By making the environmental permits process more transparent, accessible and efficient, eEnviPer helps to reduce the environmental impact of economic activities with the implementation of a cost-effective environmental permits process.

date:  03/07/2014

ProjectA single multi-purpose SOA platform that...


Project coordinator:  Machi Simeonidou, DRAXIS Environmental Technology

See alsoCORDIS


In 2012-2014, eEnviPer set-up and tested its existing multi-purpose cloud platform in five pilot communities, supported by the European Commission's ICT Policy Support Programme.

Phase 1: Preparation

In 2012, eEnviPer prepared the ground for the start of the pilot tests in the five pilots. The integration and customisation began with a thorough evaluation of the current situation in each pilot project.

On this basis, the project defined a set of thirteen use cases and/or common procedures that the integrated software platform would need to deliver on. Pilots also modelled the workflows for their own customised installation. At the same time, a detailed Pilot Implementation Plan was drawn up to determine the timelines, tasks and responsibilities for the test phase.

In February 2013, eEnviPer’s technical team presented the customised platforms for each pilot. Subsequently, pilot partners localised and translated the software and started to train internal stakeholders in its use.

Phase 2: Pilot tests

In April 2013, pilot partners began to test the platform using real-life cases with all stakeholders concerned.

Through a number of user engagement events - including training sessions, workshops, media relations and one-on-one meetings – the project partners encouraged public authority staff, environmental engineers, investors and citizens to test the eEnviPer platform and provide feedback on its performance.

In general, users praised the user-friendliness, the integration of paperless workflows and the immediate availability of geographic information in the system.

Towards the Market

In June 2014 DRAXIS signed a contract with the Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change for the implementation of the eEnviPer solution for the Greek region. The assignment to DRAXIS came through an open procurement procedure so as the Ministry to support the new legislation on environmental permits. DRAXIS as the legal beneficiary for the eEnviPer’s exploitation in Greece has already started the training of the Ministry officials through custom-made adult training sessions.  The full implementation of eEnviPer for the Greek environmental permitting procedures is expected to be realized in autumn.

Moreover, after discussions with the local partner in the Republic of Croatia they have presented the eEnviPer solution to the Croatian Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection looking forward to a future collaboration. The Croatian Ministry expressed their interest to implement the eEnviPer solution for their region and so they submitted their offer for consideration.