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Transport Research Arena 2014: Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation, Paris 14/17 April 2014

The 5th edition of TRA will take place in Paris and will be a major event where Horizon 2020 will be discussed in depth, under the theme: "Transport Solutions: From Research to Deployment". The Transport Research Arena is a major conference on transport research in Europe held every 2 years.

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date:  14/04/2014 - 17/04/2014

venue:  CNIT, Paris’s business district: La Defense

Organiser:  Co-organised by French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, IFSTTAR, EC, ERTRAC, ERRAC, Waterborne TP

See alsoRegistration to TRA 2014

TRA 2014 will address the main challenges in transport and mobility of people and goods, with respect to energy, environment, safety and security and economy issues.

The objective of the conference is to mobilise researchers, practitioners, academia, industry, education and end-users in order to find and implement innovative solutions for all surface modes rail, road, walking and cycling, and cross modal transports.

Investing in transport research and innovation would help address the main challenges in transport and mobility of people and goods, with respect to energy, environment, safety and security and economy issues.

How can R&I support the European transport industry and maintain its global leadership? What will the next generation of innovative transport means be? Which novel concepts and designs? What smart control systems and efficient production processes? These are just some questions TRA2014 will answer next Spring in Paris.

This edition of TRA will be hosted for the first time together with associated events and joint conferences, offering new perspectives on several topics and increasing the networking with International stakeholders.

A special attention will be paid to the publication of the selected papers, both to recognise the academic research works and to disseminate knowledge and best practices to the final users.