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Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020's Financial Instruments

This midterm assessment, part of the overall interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, looked into Horizon 2020’s 'InnovFin' financial instruments and considered priorities for the remainder of the 2014-20 programming period.

date:  16/08/2017

author:  The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services LLP (CSES)

ContactSteve Rogers

This midterm assessment, part of the overall interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, looked into Horizon 2020’s 'InnovFin' financial instruments and considered priorities for the remainder of the 2014-20 programming period. The following questions guided the assessment:

• How relevant have Horizon 2020's financial instruments been to market needs?

• How coherent is InnovFin, both as a group of financial instruments and with respect to other EU schemes, such as EFSI and COSME, and national support programmes?

• How effective and efficient has the implementation of InnovFin been?

• What is the EU added value of InnovFin?

The main conclusion of the study is that InnovFin represents a significant development in the provision of EU-supported innovation financing, successfully building on and overcoming the limitations of the earlier generation of financial instruments. The study makes a total of 15 recommendations to improve the targeting and functioning of InnovFin.

Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020's Financial Instruments - Final report 

More about Horizon 2020 Evaluations