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OurSpace TOOLKIT available (eParticipation)

EU initiative OurSpace is an open source, easy-to-use tool designed to support anyone who needs to consult with large groups of young people, regardless of nationality or language boundaries.

Advising researchers on how to balance science and ethics

Although science is often seen as a discipline concerned with hard facts, it can be difficult to separate research from its ethical, social and political setting. Researchers struggling to balance science with ethics can now count on advice from a European project, EGAIS, that looked at how best to handle the wider ethical context.

ICT-enabled public sector innovation in H2020 - Video

Open Government, engagement of young people, open participation, emerging technologies in the public sector, innovative mobile eGovernment, privacy, cloud of public services...

What is our vision of the societal challenge around Public Services? Which are the funding opportunities for these topics in the recently launched Horizon 2020 framework programme?

Mechthild Rohen, Head of the Public Services Unit in DG CONNECT speaks about this. Enjoy this short video.

ICT for societal challenges in H2020

In this video Paul Timmers (Director of Sustainable and Secure Society in DG Connect) speaks about the funding opportunities in ICT for societal challenges in the recently launched Horizon 2020 framework programme. This is the first video of a series of 7 each one explaining more in detail the funding opportunities for different societal challenges.

AAAS 2014 Annual Meeting

The Directorate-General for Research & Innovation is organising five symposia at this year's AAAS annual meeting.

ICT-enabled public sector innovation in H2020

Interested in Open Government, eParticipation, mobile eGovernment, cloud of public services, use of emerging technologies in public sector, etc...?

Find your way and your funding opportunities in the new programme Horizon 2020. Read the flyer!

(last update 24/3/2014)

Helping young students help themselves

In Europe, one in seven children will leave school or training early. Many subsequently struggle to find a job and end up psychologically stressed. Meanwhile, their unemployment also impacts society and carries economical costs. The European Union (EU) has set a benchmark to decrease early school leaving (ESL) rates to one in ten children by 2020 – and in February 2013, an EU-funded study was launched in nine countries to help achieve this goal.

Creating an international network for promoting Virtual Museums

Virtual Museums are an exciting development that allows ‘visitors’ to explore their cultural heritage in an interactive way. The international project created a network of institutions to produce sustainable tools and share know-how on establishing such virtual reality experiences.

Growth of low-wage, low-skilled jobs throughout Europe in need of solution

Among the social and economic shifts challenging Europe is the growth of low-wage, low-skilled jobs filled by workers who face undesirable working conditions and uncertain future prospects.

This trend is raising concerns that large segments of the population  particularly women, youth, older workers, migrants and minorities may not reach the career and social security they otherwise could obtain.

“Gendered Innovations: How Gender Analysis Contributes to Research”

This publication presents the results of a group of more than sixty experts. With concrete case studies, the report shows that gender differences, in terms of needs, behaviours and attitudes, play an important role in research design/content, and hence, the societal relevance and quality of research outcomes. It also reveals that these differences may vary over time and across different sectors of society, thus requiring gender specific analyses. The report provides tools and guidance that will be useful to researchers when preparing proposals for Horizon 2020. Further case studies from EU and international research can be found on the Gendered Innovations website, which was created in cooperation with Stanford University.