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MSCA: Fighting the brain drain in Europe

Katarzyna Kalita is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow with research focused on the identification of genes involved in epilepsy. The MSCA allows her to cover research costs, have an employment contract and work close to her family and friends. In addition to offering generous fellowships, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions give researchers the possibility to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with competences or disciplines useful for their careers.

Human Brain Project : Video presenting this Flagship project

The goal of the Human Brain Project is to build a completely new information computing technology infrastructure for neuroscience and for brain-related research in medicine and computing, catalysing a global collaborative effort to understand the human brain and its diseases and ultimately to emulate its computational capabilities.

Graphene Flagship : "Ready, Set, Graphene"

Chalmers University of Technology SE) has been honored to coordinate one of the EU's biggest ever EU science project – Graphene Flagship – and time has come to take the super-material out from the research labs and into everyone's lives.

In this video Jie Sun, Assistant Professor at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, shows how he manufactures scalable and high-performing solid Graphene samples – the raw material for the over 100 research groups within the Graphene Flagship.

University of Technology (Sweden).
Thanks to: Jie Sun and Niclas Lindvall, Microtechnology & Nanoscience, Quantum Device Physics Laboratory
Narrator: Maria Abrahamsson, Chemical & Biological Engineering
Music: Björn Olsson
Animations: iStock, BOID
Video created by Torgil Störner, Communications & Marketing, "Chalmers