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Fish production forecasts for sustainable fisheries

The EU-funded ClimeFish project will co-create projections of fish production and distribution together with industry. The project will help ensure that future increases in seafood production occur in areas and for species where there is potential for sustainable growth.

date:  10/04/2017

Project:  Co-creating a decision support framework...

acronym:  ClimeFish

See alsoProject details

Against the backdrop of climate change and its threat to global seafood production, establishing sustainable growth across the sector now will help secure robust employment and long-term development in rural and coastal communities for future generations.

The ClimeFish project will address challenges in three blue growth sectors: marine aquaculture, marine fisheries, and lake and pond production. Some 16 case studies will cover single species distribution and production as well as multi-species interaction across seven habitats, reflecting a range of predicted temperature changes and a variety of potential threats.

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