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Workshop: EU-Africa R&I Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture – FNSSA

The European and African Unions adopted in April 2016 a roadmap on research and innovation for food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA). The European Commission invited around 25 African and European experts to discuss the state of play of this cooperation and to further develop the FNSSA priority themes with a view to contribute to Horizon 2020 work programme 2018-2020.

date:  23/01/2017

venue:  European Commission DG AGRI, Rue de la loi 130, Brussels, Belgium

Organiser:  European Commission

See alsoFactsheet on EU-AU R&I cooperation on FN...

ContactAgnieszka ROMANOWICZ

This meeting concentrated on pillar I (sustainable intensification) of the partnership and the outputs of the meeting are one of the inputs that the European Commission will consider for drafting Horizon 2020 calls for FNSSA projects.

Workshop documents


Opening session

Sustainable intensification I - Crops and livestock - agricultural practice for improving farm output and farmers living conditions

Parallel sessions

Group I: Sustainable intensification II: soil and land management  for improving agricultural diversity and preserving biodiversity

Group II: Diversifying farmer’s revenues: converting agricultural waste into products, materials and energy. Identifying and adapting simple and robust technologies for use in African rural communities without substantially changing agricultural systems and practices.