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Towards new quality sports broadcast

Imagine your favourite football team entering a stadium. An army of wireless cameras is following the players to give you the best possible view - of the whole pitch, of the chanting crowd, of each footballer, from the tip of his head to the grass blades he treads with his cleats. Thanks to Prof. Leif Oxenløwe's research, this kind of wireless ultra-high definition television broadcasting can one day become a reality.

date:  24/08/2016

Project:  Serial Optical Communications for Advanc...

acronym:  SOCRATES

See alsoCORDIS

Athletes are not the only ones hoping to set world records. With his EU funded research, Prof. Oxenløwe, from the Technical University of Denmark, has pushed the boundaries of optical communication. He is now engaged in the race to enhance wireless communications, the type that would allow high-speed video transfers and which would open a world of possibilities for extremely-high definition broadcasting.

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