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Updates on the ageing brain

At the supermarket, do you always know where you parked your car? Can you remember what you came to buy, if you haven't written it down? And can you do so without having to rack your brain? If so, you're lucky. Most of us occasionally struggle, and will struggle even more as we get older. EU-funded research has analysed how age affects our memory.

date:  02/08/2016

Project:  Cognitive mechanisms that lead to age re...

acronym:  ChArM

See alsoCORDIS

“Our objective was to understand how ageing results in cognitive decline, and more specifically how it affects memory function,” says Ilke Öztekin of Koç University in Istanbul, the coordinator of the Charm project. To do so, the team employed a methodology that enabled it to measure the speed and accuracy of memory retrieval separately.

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