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Hydrogen power for zero CO2 emissions and energy security

Europe relies on natural gas and fossil fuels from a limited number of countries. These energy sources generate harmful greenhouse gases that accelerate climate change and its devastating impacts. The EU-funded HYDROSOL-PLANT project supported by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint undertaking (FCH JU) has developed a technology that has the potential to produce hydrogen on a large-scale, cost-effectively. This renewable energy could slow climate change and create a sustainable future.

date:  22/07/2016

ProjectThermochemical HYDROgen production in a ...


See alsoCORDIS

We are already seeing the results of climate change — widely believed to be caused by CO2 emissions — with 2015 recorded as the hottest year in history. Unless we start relying on renewable energy instead of fossil fuels, the impact of climate change will simply get worse. “We need to intensify our efforts and investments into the R&D of renewable energy now before it’s too late,” says HYDROSOL-PLANT project coordinator Athanasios Konstandopoulos.

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