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Charging electric vehicles on the move

Long journey? Electric car? Will you reach your destination before you run out of juice? Or will you have to recharge somewhere along the way? Range anxiety is one of the main bottlenecks slowing the advance of electromobility, but solutions are being found. On-road charging is a particularly promising approach, say EU-funded researchers.

date:  07/07/2016

ProjectFeAsiBility analysis and development of ...


See alsoCORDIS

The Fabric project is looking into options for charging technology (mostly wireless) that would allow drivers of battery electric cars to top up while they drive. “The aim is to give motorists greater flexibility, by enabling them to charge their vehicles either during short stops, which are very frequent in urban environments, or even while the car is moving,” says project coordinator Angelos Amditis of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems in Athens, Greece.

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