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EU scientific workshop on bee health and sustainable pollination

Pollination by bees and bee health are important components of sustainable agriculture and food security. The European Commission and EFSA are working together to run a workshop to take stock of past and on-going EU research, and define further needs for possible financing under Horizon 2020.

date:  10/03/2016 - 10/03/2016

venue:  Parma PR, Italy

Organiser:  European Commission and EFSA

See alsoEFSA For Bees

ContactJean-Charles CAVITTE

The European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are running a scientific workshop on bee health and pollination future research on 10 March 2016 in Parma.

25 experts including bee scientists, EU-financed research project coordinators, and representatives of international and European agencies involved in bee health will look at a selection of EU-supported research projects in the field of bee health and pollination as well as other related initiatives, in particular the on-going work of the EFSA bee Task Force and the MUST-B project.

The objective is to identify key priority areas for research in the short, medium and long term. Workshop discussions will in particular help to define needs for funding under Horizon 2020. They should also support the on-going work of EFSA on bee health and enhance collaboration thus avoiding duplication of resources and work in EU.

A specific platform on bee health including a section on research needs has been set up. You can follow developments around this workshop using #Efsa4Bees.