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Safety through sensors: reducing pedestrian-car collisions

In 2011 alone, more than 30 000 people were killed on EU roads and many more had their lives changed forever due to a serious injury. The European Commission has set the target of cutting road deaths by half by 2020, and projects such as ARTRAC are helping. The project developed new sensor technologies to reduce the likelihood of vehicles colliding with pedestrians - one of the most vulnerable of all road users.

date:  21/01/2016

ProjectAdvanced Radar Tracking and Classificati...


See alsoCORDIS

The EU-funded ARTRAC project designed and developed a new radar sensor able to detect the presence of pedestrians in front of a vehicle and to help the driver avoid a collision by either braking or recommending evasive steering away from the person.

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ARTRAC - Radar for cars to detect pedestrians from Axel Wegner on Vimeo.