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Report of Pres. Barroso's Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC) : The Future of Europe is science - October 2014

The "STAC report" was presented to President Barroso in October 2014 at "The future of Europe is science" Conference in Portugal. This foresight report outlines some key opportunities for Europe that could be provided by science and technology, looking ahead to the year 2030.

date:  14/10/2014

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  • Watch videos highlights of the conference
  • Video conference trailer
    "Imagine you are living in Europe in the year 2030. What does your society look like, where do you live and what occupies your time?"
  • Report: Special Eurobarometer 419 (survey 2014) on "Public perceptions of Science, Research and Innovation".
    Read: Full reportSummary Report
  • Science & Technology Advisory Council: The President's Science & Technology Advisory Council (STAC) is an independent and informal group of science and technology experts from academia and business,covering a broad range of disciplines and uniting expertise from across the European Research Area. The task of the Council is to examine areas where research and innovation can contribute to Europe's growth — with a particular focus on benefits and risks of advances in science and technology and how to address and communicate these.