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Growing the Silver Economy in Europe

Demographic ageing in Europe and beyond creates challenges for our health and care systems and our national budgets. But it also creates enormous opportunities. The Silver Economy is the new gold, Silicon Valley gurus tell us. Large new public and consumer markets of ICT products and services for ageing well are developing. Our ageing populations are drivers of economic growth. In this light, the European Commission is organising the event 'Growing the Silver Economy in Europe' to discuss how to best grow a large scale Silver Economy in Europe.

date:  23/09/2014 - 23/09/2014

venue:  Brussels

The EU has already launched a number of measures to stimulate this market and to help European industry (and SMEs in particular) to be in the driving seat. They include the Active and Assisted Living Joint Programme, the eHealth Action Plan, the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing as well as dedicated parts of Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 1 on Health, Wellbeing and Active Ageing. However, more is needed before this market really takes off.

We invite in particular industry and SMEs, but also policy, research, care professionals, service providers and consumers to join and share their views on what it takes to make Europe the world leader in the silver economy. What can policy makers and governments at regional, national and EU level do more to help? What should industry do? How to best mobilise the consumers?
The outcomes will be used to stimulate further actions at all levels, including the EU.

What's the format of the event?

We propose a one day high level event, kicked off with a plenary scene-setter with plenty of concrete examples and provocative insights. Then 4 parallel strands will address respectively the public market, the consumer market, the legal and regulatory frameworks and interoperability. Registered participants can raise key issues they want to discuss in advance, which will be used to shape the discussions during the event.

Further information

The programme and detailed logistics information about participation will be announced shortly on this page.