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H2020 Info Day: Innovation and Public Sector

Information Day presenting ICT-enabled Public Sector Innovation in the new EU framework programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020.

date:  10/02/2014 - 10/02/2014

venue:  Brussels, Belgium

The participants will benefit from a general presentation on the programme, its instruments and eGovernment related topics in the work programme 2014 – 2015, including:

  • ICT-enabled open government
  • engagement of young people (eParticipation)
  • emerging technologies in the public sector
  • mobile e-government applications by SMEs
  • privacy
  • cloud of public services

A networking session will open the stage for participants who wish to present their visions and ideas for research and innovation actions.

For this purpose, slides (max. 3 per participant) can be uploaded by registered participants only. Please select your topic.

No commercial presentations will be accepted. Depending on the number of submissions/presenters, a detailed agenda will be communicated in due course. The slides will remain available to the public after the event.

Register here

Upload your slides here

DEADLINE for both: Thursday 6 February 2014 16h


  • 9:00 – 9:30 Registration, coffee
  • 9:30 Welcome
  • 9:45 H2020 General Introduction
  • 10:00 ICT-enabled public sector innovation in H2020 (overview)
  • 10:15 ICT-enabled public sector innovation in SC6: calls in 2014, indications for 2015
  • 11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
  • 11:45 ICT-enabled public sector innovation in other parts of H2020
  • 12:05 Other new forms of innovation in SC6
  • 12:25 – 13:25 Lunch
  • 13:25 H2020 - from submission to grant agreement
  • 14:10 Networking event (Presentation of ideas by potential proposers – max. 3 slides each)
  • 15:40 Networking coffee, individual Q&A (several people from H3.Public Services Unit will be available)
  • 16:30 End

You can already contact other attendees, and see offers/demands in specific domains:

List of participants (only those with a public profile are visible).

List of presentations

More information about ICT-enabled Public Sector Innovation & a flyer to download, click here.