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An integrated observing system for the Atlantic Ocean

Buoys, floats, moorings and research vessels, to name just a few examples - data about the state of the Atlantic is collected by a number of means. And by a profusion of actors, who could jointly produce even better results if they applied a common strategy. EU-funded researchers are driving the development of an integrated system.

date:  12/07/2017

Project:  Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated ...

acronym:  AtlantOS

See alsoProject details

The AtlantOS project is dedicated to the creation of an integrated Atlantic Ocean observing system. “We are working on several measures to advance the strategic development of this system, to connect existing activities to make them more efficient,” says project coordinator Martin Visbeck of GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, in Germany.

The consortium is also aiming at extending the scope of information available from observation of the Atlantic, Visbeck adds. “There is a rapidly growing desire among decision-makers – both in the public and the private sector – for more and in particular more data based information from the ocean,” he notes.

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