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How robots can enhance the lives of Europe's elderly citizens

Seventy-nine year old Isabel Neto shares her home with Hugo, a robot that's been designed to improve the quality of life for elderly people living alone. How, and to what extent, is that possible?

date:  22/06/2017

Project:  GrowMeUp

acronym:  GrowMeUp

See alsoProject details

The service robot is designed to be autonomous and navigate around domestic environments. It can also detect, recognise and track humans and objects.

Ten years ago, Isabel suffered a stroke. She thinks the robot can eventually be useful for her.

“Nowadays I feel more or less fine; I have all my faculties,” explained Maria Isabel Mendes Neto. “But I will get older, and maybe more senile; I could for instance lose my glasses. And it would be nice if I could ask the robot to look for them. That would be really helpful to me.”

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