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Consultation on the regulatory fitness of chemicals legislation (excluding REACH)

This is a public consultation on the regulatory fitness of chemicals legislation (excluding REACH). Its objective is to obtain stakeholder views on the functioning of the legislative framework for chemicals.

Related topics


Deadline:  27/05/2016


The European Commission received 356 responses to the public consultation. Responses were received from all stakeholder groups: 57 citizens, 199 businesses and industry associations, 46 public authorities and 54 NGOs, consumer associations, trade unions, academic institutions and others. 51 respondents requested that their contributions would not be published. All other contributions can be viewed by following the links in the table below. Please note that some contributions are published in anonymous form upon request.

The responses are analysed as part of the Commission's study on the regulatory fitness of chemicals legislation (excluding REACH). An excerpt of the study report, including a detailed analysis of the responses, is available.


Contribution published under the name provided

Contribution published anonymously

Contribution not to be published


Registered organisations*


(View responses Part 1 / Part 2)

(View position papers Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3)


(View responses)



Public authorities


(View responses)


(View responses)



Unregistered organisations and citizens


(View responses)


(View responses)








* Registered organisations are included in the Transparency Register and subscribe to its code of conduct. The Transparency Register ID numbers are listed in the questionnaires.



The following questionnaires (En-De-Fr) were used for the public consultation.

Policy field(s)

Enterprise and Industry, Environment, Internal Market, Public Health

Target group(s)

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation.

In particular, contributions are sought from Member State public authorities responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the legislation covered by this fitness check, companies and industry associations in both the chemicals industry and downstream industries, workers employed by the aforementioned industries, trade unions, NGOs (e.g. environmental, health), consumer associations, academia and research/educational institutes, as well as consumers and citizens.

Period of consultation

From 4 March 2016 to 27 May 2016 (closed)

Objective of the consultation

This public consultation is conducted in support of the fitness check on 'the most relevant chemicals legislation (excluding REACH), as well as related aspects of legislation applied to downstream industries'. Its objective is to obtain stakeholder views on the functioning of the legislative framework for chemicals. This framework encompasses legislation governing the hazard identification and classification of chemicals and legislation governing risk management measures for chemicals (excluding REACH), including chemical-related provisions in worker safety legislation, transport legislation, environmental protection legislation, product control legislation, as well as supporting legislation. For a full overview of the objectives and scope of the fitness check, please consult the roadmap.

How to submit your contribution

This public consultation closed on 27 May 2016. It is no longer possible to participate.

Stakeholder workshop

The Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROWTH) organised a stakeholder workshop on 19 April 2016. More information on DG GROWTH's website and on the workshop page.

Reference documents and other, related consultations

Contact details

Responsible services:

DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Unit D2 (Chemicals)
DG Environment, Unit A3 (Chemicals)


Postal address: European Commission, Unit GROW/D2, BREY 11/250, B-1049 Brussels


Specific privacy statement

Protection of personal data