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A strong European policy to support SMEs and entrepreneurs 2015-2020 Public consultation on the Small Business Act (SBA)

Small Business Act for Europe

Related topics

Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Deadline:  15/12/2014

See alsoMore information and replies

Objective of the consultation

The aim of this public consultation is to gather feed-back and ideas on how the Small Business Act for Europe should be revised to continue a strong European policy to support Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs in 2015-2020.

Policy field(s)


Target group(s)

SME business organisations, individual SMEs, public authorities, Member States’ authorities and other relevant stakeholders and citizens.

Period of consultation

From 08.09.2014 to 15.12.2014

How to submit your contribution

Please make contributions via the online questionnaire. Given the time needed for translating comments submitted in certain languages, contributions in one of the Commission's main working languages (preferably English) would be welcome. This will enable the Commission to process them more swiftly.
The Contributions received and the identity of the contributor will be published on this website, unless the contributor objects to publication of his/her personal data. In this case the contributor is invited to submit a non-confidential version of his/her reply for the website.
Please read the Specific privacy statement & for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with.

View the consultation document

The consultation document is based on the preparatory work carried out by the network of SME Envoys, and takes into account the debate on future SME policy held at the Competitiveness Council of Ministers in September 2013.
The four key areas of the SBA: facilitating SMEs’ access to finance, and markets, reducing administrative burden and promoting entrepreneurship continue to be priorities for the coming years. In addition, the need to address the shortage of skilled workers is now a fifth priority.
The consultation document contains a short overview of the SBA and the results achieved so far, a summary of the ongoing initiatives and proposals for new initiatives (in the text boxes). The Commission is seeking feed-back on these initiatives through the online questionnaire.

View the questionnaire

You are invited to reply to this public consultation by answering the online questionnaire
Please note that the questionnaire can be downloaded as a pdf file.

Reference documents

Contact details

Responsible service: DG Enterprise and Industry, Unit D.4 SME Policy development and Small Business Act


Number of responses received to this consultation


View the contributions

In the interest of transparency, organizations are invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by registering in the Transparency Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct. If the organization is not registered, the submission is published separately from the registered organizations.

Results of consultation and next steps

The public consultation offers citizens and stakeholders the opportunity to provide input to the Commission at an early stage of its policy making on SME Policy. The Commission services plan to make the comments accessible on this website.
