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Technical Secretariat for the group of the NB under the Cableways Directive (2000/9/EC) and Recreational Craft Directive (94/25/EC and 2003/44/EC)

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Mechanical engineering

Deadline:  05/09/2012

See alsoDetails of this call on eTendering


Lot 1: the purpose of this call for tender is to designate the technical secretariat for the group of notified bodies established under Directive 2000/9/EC relating to cableway installations designed to carry persons: the Cableways Sectoral Group of Notified Bodies (NB-CSG).

Lot 2: the purpose of this call for tender is to designate the technical secretariat for the group of notified bodies established under Directive 94/25/EC, as amended by Directive 2003/44/EC relating to recreational craft.

The requested tasks include for example: taking part in the meetings of the sector groups in Brussels; preparing the agenda in collaboration with the chairman of the coordination of the notified bodies; drafting the technical working papers; keeping informed and reporting to the group on work of the intersectoral groups, on implementation of relevant EU legislation according to information provided by the Commission services, and on European standardisation; collect and format useful technical information to allow the notified bodies to carry out their activity in the most effective way; propose answers or solutions to technical problems raised at the meetings of notified bodies; take part in meetings on the specific request of the Commission services when they are convened to deal with specific technical questions; provide for technical advice at request of the Commission services on subjects related to the application of the relevant directive; provide reports of the activities of the technical secretariat.



Please note that from 01/01/2012, all tendering documents relating to DG Enterprise are published through a Commission wide unique platform called "eTendering", consequently the tendering documents will not be published anymore here.

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