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Study on Structured Statistical Information on the Quality and Quantity of the EU Raw Materials Deposits

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Raw materials

Deadline:  30/08/2012

See alsoDetails of this call on eTendering

The study shall investigate how structured statistical information on the quality and quantity of EU raw materials deposits (reserves and resources) can be achieved . This study should also provide some recommendations concerning the feasibility of standard codes used by all levels of decision makers and what is needed in order to have those standards pan-European wide in place (feasibility study). The study shall also propose different policy options and pave ways to inter-link various existing relevant data-sources and data providing tools (e.g. OneGeologyEurope, EuroGeoSource, World Mining Data, Raw Materials Group). It will feed in particular into the work of work packages 1 and 3 of the European Innovation Partnership on raw materials.
Furthermore, it will provide a policy response to the need to harmonise statistical geological data and geological terminology on resources and reserves on European level by MS and Industry (recommendations of the RMSG, Best Practice report of 2010  and COM (2011) 25 final).

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