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Business Innovation Observatory

The European Commission wishes to conclude a service contract to develop a Business Innovation Observatory.

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Deadline:  10/09/2012

See alsoDetails of this call for tenders on eTen...

The European Commission wishes to conclude a service contract to develop a Business Innovation Observatory. The Business Innovation Observatory is a three-year project with the aim to provide the European policy makers on a regular basis with analysis and intelligence on latest novel business and industrial innovation trends, activities and models. The analytical emphasis will be placed on business micro-perspective in relation to the macro institutional, political, socio-economic, legal and policy context. The analysis will be complemented by a development of appropriate policy recommendations at European and national levels. The tool should be seen as complementary to quantitative analytical instruments, most notably to the Commission's European Innovation Scoreboards [1] .

[1] European Innovation Scoreboards encompass Innovation Union Scoreboard, Regional Innovation Scoreboard and European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard, the latter currently under development.


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