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Consultation on the revision of the limit values for lead in toys

Deadline:  07/05/2012


Policy field(s)


Target group(s)

Economic operators involved in toy manufacturing and marketing (producers, importers, distributors and retailers, etc.)

Period of consultation - This consultation is now closed.

From 13.02.2012 to 07.05.2012

Objective of the consultation

The new toy safety directive 2009/48/EC introduced strict migration limits for lead in toys. The new directive also foresees the possibility to amend these limits when new scientific evidence is made available, in order to assure constant alignment on the latest scientific evidence and appropriate protection for children.

The latest EFSA study (2010) on Lead in Food concluded that it is impossible to establish, for lead, a threshold below which no critical effect on health can be observed. Therefore, EFSA recommended reducing the lead exposure from both food and non foods products.

As this new study shows, the level of protection of children against exposure to lead, as established by the Directive, is no longer appropriate. Therefore, it is necessary to amend the current values for lead and align them with the latest scientific data, in order to reduce children's exposure to lead.

How to submit your contribution

We welcome contributions from firms. Other stakeholders will be surveyed separately. Please click here to submit your contribution.

Received contributions will be published on the Internet. It is important to read the specific privacy statement attached to this consultation for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with.

In the interests of transparency, organisations (including, for example, NGOs, trade associations and commercial enterprises) are invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by registering in the Interest Representative Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct.
  • If you are a Registered organisation, please indicate the name and address of your organisation and your Register ID number on the first page of your contribution. Your contribution will then be considered as representing the views of your organisation.
  • If your organisation is not registered, you have the opportunity to Register now.
    Then return to this page to submit your contribution as a Registered organisation.
  • Responses from organisations not registered will be published separately.

The Commission asks organisations who wish to submit comments in the context of public consultations to provide the Commission and the public at large with information about whom and what they represent. If an organisation decides not to provide this information, it is the Commission's stated policy to list the contribution as part of the individual contributions. (Consultation Standards, see COM (2002) 704, and Communication on ETI Follow-up, see COM (2007) 127 of 21/03/2007).

View the consultation document

Contact details

responsible service European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs , Unit C3
postal address European Commission, B100 03/027 B-1049 Brussels

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