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Multiple framework contract with reopening of competition in support of communication and information activities


Deadline:  04/07/2011

Considering the recent clarifications requested and the time left for tenderers to take into account the clarifications, the contracting authority has decided to extend the time limit for submitting tenders to July 4, 2011. The clarifications resulted in additional information in the tendering specifications in relation to simulation one, three (part 1, 2 and 3). Tenderers having already sent a tender have the following choice:

  • Maintain their initial offer;
  • Withdraw it and submit a new one;
  • Send additional information completing the inital tender.

Tenderers are asked to confirm which one of the three options they will follow before the new opening date.

Offers already sent will remain closed until the new opening date, on July 12.

This open call for tenders aims to secure the external professional expertise and technical assistance required by the European Commission and primarily by its Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry in order to pursue its communication and information activities.

The precise timing and volume of the services to be provided under the contracts signed on the basis of this tender cannot be specified in detail in advance. Therefore the contracts will take the form of framework contracts. However, they will be binding on both parties as regards the price, the basic terms under which the work is carried out, the nature of the work and the duration of the contracts.

Please note that a revised version of the tender specifications, correcting some hyperlinks, has been made available as of 12 May 2011. The new version is available below in English, French and German.

Please note that the second revised version of the Annex V - price list, has been made available as of 31 May 2011. The new version with corrected clerical mistakes is available below in English, French and German.