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ENT/CIP/09/E/N08S003 - European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors

This action seeks to support the implementation of the Small Business Act and in particular its Principle 1: 'Create an environment in which entrepreneurs and family businesses can thrive and entrepreneurship is rewarded'. It sets out to encourage entrepreneurship among women by creating the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors.

Deadline:  12/03/2010

This Call is a follow-up to the call ENT/CIP/09/E/N08S00 extending the coverage of the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors to the remaining eligible countries under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme of the European Commission.

The Network of Ambassadors aims to have successful entrepreneurs campaigning on the ground to encourage women — including women in active professional life and students — to set up their own businesses and become entrepreneurs. The ambassadors will seek to make women more confident about setting up and creating successful businesses. They also will act as role models, to inspire other women to become entrepreneurs by ‘telling their story’. The call is addressed solely to organisations active in the field of fostering, promoting and/or supporting entrepreneurship, with a view to setting up a Network to bring together successful entrepreneurs across Europe to work locally and nationally to inspire and encourage women to consider becoming an entrepreneur as an attractive career option and follow their lead.

The present call for proposals aims to improve the geographical coverage and is therefore designed for countries not yet included in the Network (see chapter 6.1., geographical eligibility of the call for proposal).

Respondents to this Call should: identify the ambassadors; the target groups (prospective women entrepreneurs) for each participating country; the kind of promotional activities that the ambassadors should engage in; prepare and run the scheme, and report back regularly to the Commission. For the purposes of assessing the performance of the Network, some indicators have been established at national and European level.

Please note that additional information and an updated FAQ may be posted on this webpage during the publication stage. As such, we encourage you to visit this page regularly.

NOTE: Correction of a clerical error in chapter 6.1 of the call text "geographical eligibility": The Netherlands is added to the list of eligible EU Member States.

A summary of the Call text was also published in the OJ : C 311 of 19 December 2009, p. 21 and is available there in all languages

A corrigendum to the Call text was published in the OJ: C33 of 10 February 2010, p. 14 and is available there in all languages

Documents to be downloaded in order to complete your proposal

Legal entity and Financial Identification forms in order to complete your proposal (submission set)