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Assisting SMEs to participate in global digital supply chains in the automotive sector in the Single market

Published in OJ n° 2009/S 122-176966 of 30/06/2009 - Call for tender ENTR/09/040: Assisting SMEs to participate in global digital supply chains in the automotive sector in the Single market.

Deadline:  14/09/2009

eBSN is an open policy coordination instrument that brings together eBusiness policy makers and experts from all over Europe to exchange experiences on good eBusiness policies for SMEs and learn from each other.

More recently, eBSN confirmed a new policy trend, namely the sector-specific policy approach for e-Business.

To build on national results at the EU level, the Enterprise and Industry DG is launching a series of pan-european sector-specific pilot actions.

In this context, the call for tender is being launched to harmonise business processes and data exchange architectures and standards, at European and/or international level, within the automotive sector, a sector of crucial economic importance for Europe.

Following the receipt of an additional tender, a second opening wil be organised at 10.00 on 02.10.2009 at the following location:

45, avenue d'Auderghem - Room 6/006 - B1040 Brussels

An authorised representative of each tenderer may attend this opening according to the procedure described under point 1.5 of the specifications.